Information is scarce regarding seabird bycatch along the Southwest coast of South America. This makes difficult the process of decision making regarding the conservation measures that need to be taken. As a result, seabird conservation measures at a national and regional level are very limited in this area.

Initiated in 2003 in collaboration with NOAA, IATTO (Peregrine Tours) and the British Petroleum Conservation Programme, the main goals of this project are to begin to fill an existing data gap in the Southwest coast of South America by quantifying seabird bycatch rates, identify at-risk species; to provide the tools - through education, training and awareness - to locals for the monitoring and management of their natural resources; and to promote local participation in seabird conservation. In 2005, Pro Delphinus got the bronze award for the “Assessment of seabird bycatch in Peruvian artisanal fisheries” project by the conservation program of the British Petroleum (BP) while in 2007 it had the follow-up, continuing with the study "Advancing Seabird conservation in Peru's artisanal fishery through education and research" by the Conservation Leadership Program (CLP).

Funding for this project comes by the Conservation Leadership Program (CLP), Southern Seabird Solutions (SSS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), American Bird Conservancy (ABC), Agreement on Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP), Protect our Poles and Peregrine.

Octavio Bernal 572-5, Lima 11 - Tel +51.1.2413081 , Cel +51.1.996681041, Nextel 411*0455 - Email: [email protected]