1. 1993 Helminth parasites dusky dolphin.
2. 1997 Mortality dolphins Peru Ecuador.
3. 2004 First Confirmed Occurrence of Loggerhead Turtles in Peru
4. 2005 Population structure of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA variation     among.
5. Diseases, lesions and malformations in the long-beaked common     dolphin Delphinus capensis from the Southeast Pacific.
6. 2006 Fishery bycatch of the waved albatross Phoebastri.
7. 2006 Incidental and intentional catch threatens Galapagos.
8. 2006 Dolphins and Children A Blueprint for Marine Environmental     Education in Peru.
9. 2007 Interactions Between Leatherback Turtles and Peruvian Artisanal     Fisheries
10. 2007 Genital warts in Burmeister’s porpoises.
11. 2008 Demography of loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta in the       southeastern Pacific Ocean fisheries-based observations and im.
12. 2008 Shark interactions in pelagic longline fisheries
13. 2009 Proceedings of the technical workshop on mitigating sea turtle
     bycatch in coastal net fisheries

15. Complete guide to birds

Octavio Bernal 572-5, Lima 11 - Tel +51.1.2413081 , Cel +51.1.996681041, Nextel 411*0455 - Email: [email protected]